PMDF Installation Guide
OpenVMS Edition

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Finally, Example 10-1 shows the checklist file that the configuration utility will generate, describing additional steps to complete your configuration.

Example 10-1 Example Checklist File for PMDF-LAN Configuration: cc:Mail

$ TYPE PMDF_TABLE:webconfig.checklist
This checklist was generated on Fri, 1 Nov 2002 12:16:15 -0800 (PST) 
by the PMDF configuration generator V6.2. 
(1) You have configured PMDF-LAN separately from the MTA. 
    Therefore you have to verify that the MTA configuration file 
    "PMDF_TABLE:PMDF.CNF" includes the rewrite-rules and channel 
(2) There is a shell script file called PMDF_COM:PC_POST.COM 
    which will do the PC polling.  You need to submit this shell script 
    file as a batch job as instructed by the comments in that file. 
For cc:Mail, 
(3) Create the post office "PMDF" in cc:Mail.  This is 
    done by simply entering its name into the Mail directory with P for 
    its location. 
(4) Make sure the directory containing the files D0:[PMDFCC]CCMAIL.EXP, 
    D0:[PMDFCC]CCMAIL.IMP, D0:[PMDFCC]CCMAIL.UND is created and writeable 
    by both PMDF and the PC side. 
(5) Copy PMDF_ROOT:[OTHER.DOS]DELAY.EXE to a directory where the PC can see it. 
    This program can be used to introduce delays between running the 
    import/export utilities. 
(6) You need to set up a batch job on a PC to run IMPORT/EXPORT 
    programs with the following basic (example) commands: 
m:\ccadmin\import file/hex <CCMAILPO> <admin_password> m:\ccdata 
m:\ccadmin\export file/hex format/fan PMDF <admin_password> m:\ccdata 
delay 5min 
goto loop 
    The above example assumes M: to be the drive where your ccmail files are 
    and that you are using the default names ccmail.imp, ccmail.exp and 
    ccmail.und for importing and exporting. <admin_password> is 
    the administrator password to cc:Mail.  <CCMAILPO> is assumed to be 
    the name of your cc:Mail post office; you need to substitute your actual 
    cc:Mail postoffice name where <CCMAILPO> is shown.  Please see the cc:Mail 
    import/export manual for more details on the format of the command. 
(7) For proper handling of attachments, you should consider enabling 
    mappings such as those demonstrated in the sample file 
    PMDF_TABLE:CC_MAPPINGS.SAMPLE.  To enable these mappings, cut and 
    paste the contents of the sample file into the PMDF_TABLE:MAPPINGS. file. 
For WordPerfect Office 
(8) Make sure PMDF is defined as a gateway in WordPerfect Office, 
    with the WPO domain of example and post office of pmdf 
(9) Make sure the gateway subdirectories in WordPerfect Office 
    are created, i.e. the ATT_IN, API_IN, ATT_OUT and API_OUT directories 
    should be created as viewed from the system as: 
(10) Make sure you run the WordPerfect Office's Connectivity 
    Server on a PC, which will import/export the messages. 
(11) For proper handling of attachments, you should consider enabling 
    mappings such as those demonstrated in the sample file 
    PMDF_TABLE:WPO_MAPPINGS.SAMPLE.  To enable these mappings, cut and 
    paste the contents of the sample file into the PMDF_TABLE:MAPPINGS. file. 
For eight bit character set handling 
(12) Add a CHARSET-CONVERSION mapping table to your 
    mappings file to convert between the eight bit 
    character sets in use at your site and those commonly used 
    on the Internet.  For example, 
    ! Convert character sets cc_* <-> l, and cc_* <-> tcp_* 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=l;CONVERT       Yes 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=tcp_*;CONVERT   Yes 
  IN-CHAN=l;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;CONVERT       Yes 
  IN-CHAN=tcp_*;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;CONVERT   Yes 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=l;IN-CHARSET=ibm850  OUT-CHARSET=iso-8859-1 
  IN-CHAN=cc_*;OUT-CHAN=tcp_*;IN-CHARSET=ibm850  OUT-CHARSET=iso-8859-1 
  IN-CHAN=l;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;IN-CHARSET=iso-8859-1  OUT-CHARSET=ibm850 
  IN-CHAN=tcp_*;OUT-CHAN=cc_*;IN-CHARSET=iso-8859-1  OUT-CHARSET=ibm850 

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